
Our Journey So Far

Since the sale of the nursery in September our new management team have carried out a number of changes in the nursery to offer the children the vision we have. From over 20 years experience in the Early years sector we recognised the importance of the environment in children’s learning. To increase our knowledge of this we have invested in the Curiosity Approach and are working towards the accreditation for this.

The Curiosity Approach is a modern day approach to Early Childhood. Taking parts from leading educational approaches such as Reggio, Steiner, Te Whāriki with a sprinkle of Montessori. It's a beautiful recipe book of wonderful ingredients, carefully mixed together with experience, passion and a love of Early Childhood. It's baked together in a mindful oven of loveliness that needs thoughtful practitioners and professionals to be mentally present, thankful and forever curious about their career with little children. Be Curious, Have Fun, Make a Difference!

We will continue to make changes in the nursery to keep the passion and curiosity alive for everyone involved. Have a look at some of the changes we have made so far. We would love to hear your comments and welcome parents and carers to join us in taking our magical nursery to the next level.

Our Ethos and Vision

At Seymour Road Nursery we value our children as strong, capable and resilient learners; full of wonder and curiosity. We support children’s natural urge to explore and encourage children to challenge emerging ideas and concepts. As practitioners we sensitively nurture this love to learn; extending and supporting your child's knowledge through child- led, play based experiences.

We believe that children flourish when the child, environment and educators work in harmony; enabling a holistic approach to learning. Through the curiosity approach we offer the children authentic resources to develop their curiosity.

It is vital to us that our children, and families, feel heard and know they are respected. That they have confidence to express their feelings, always knowing that their thoughts, questions and emotions are valued. We believe, if we work in partnership, your child will be in the best place to reach his or her full potential.

We have an ‘open door’ policy so please feel free to drop in at any time. We welcome your suggestions so please speak to us, text us or email us with them. It would be much appreciated.

This is your Nursery and we want to provide you with the best possible childcare and services that meet your needs and those of your children.

Our Mission Statement


Values for Seymour Road Nursery